Hair Surgery Transplant

hair surgery transplantHAIR SURGERY TRANSPLANT: Hair Surgery Transplant - what the cost

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hair Surgery Transplant - what the cost

Hair Surgery Transplant - what the cost?

The hair loss or alopecia, is certainly not a new phenomenon. It is a condition that affects both men and women for centuries.

CoupleToday, however, the innovative technology helps thousands of sick hair loss to regain its natural hairlines.

Many people want to May in the framework of this procedure, but are discouraged by the cost of hair.

In general, hair costs can vary anywhere from $ 4000 to $ 15, 000. The cost of his hair depends mainly number of transplants that you need, and / or the number of meetings required to carry out its "

It is important to hair costs vary, it is therefore imperative that you consult a variety of doctors before making a choice. The price of a hair transplant, for example, can vary between $ 3.00 a graft $ 10.00 a transplant.

Other costs to take into account when calculating the cost of hair is the price of any additional medication, blood tests, anesthesia, and installation costs.

Please do not assume that the doctor more expensive is necessarily the best doctor.

This site is dedicated to provide you with all the hair surgery transplant information you need to find a doctor to compare the rates of surgeons.

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